SENCo (Cordinator Montsaye Academy)
The role of a SENCo can be very lonely at times, and the work relentlessly keeps coming! The needs of our young people are increasing and the support required is significant.
When I first met Emma, we were struggling to meet the needs of some complex students. The perspective and fresh pair of eyes brought to the provision made a difference to our young people. Not only that, I felt empowered and supported for the first time in a very long time.
Emma’s child-centred approach coupled with her incredible knowledge and experience means that she has high expectations of those she works with, because this is the way to drive change for the young people.
Emma’s thorough approach ensures that all stakeholders are considered and communicated with, and that there is a rationale for all actions. No stone is left unturned in the mission to improve provision for young people. I have learned to think outside the box to meet the needs of students. Emma has supported me to drive that change, and to believe that I can drive that change. I cannot thank her enough for her ongoing support.