APPROACH TO SUCCESS - we are proud to announce our new programme

Approach to Success is a highly personalised, unique, 6 or 12 week intervention programme for children suffering from mental health and trauma.
This courses are designed to be delivered in the home, community and/or school. Read more

yes I can do it

It’s all about the APPROACH

Ensuring every child has the right approach throughout their journey of success.

We work with children and young people to build CONFIDENCE,
RE-MOTIVATE and overcome barriers to return to the classroom with confidence.

Specialist Areas:

o   SEN & complex needs (all)

o   High anxiety

o   Behaviour as a communication

o   Emotional based school avoidance (EBSA)

o   Mental health

o   Trauma

o   Children in care

Pupil Mentoring Service

Approach Education Mentoring Service aims to build confidence and relationships, to develop resilience and character, and/or raise aspirations.


Why use us?

We are PASSIONATE to make a difference to young people and

give them the education and futures they deserve

Latest Blog

I am now working with over 20 Secondary schools in the East Midlands area. I am advising on behaviours as a communication for many young people currently struggling in school for many different reasons.