Thank you Emma

I struggled in 2 mainstream secondary schools from year 8 onwards. The noise smells deadlines social situations friends teachers uniform tiredness overwhelm homework. The list goes on. I am autistic and live as a boy but born a girl. I dont fit in . I know i am different. My mum tried to help after school when i was ready to explode or crash. My attendance dropped off . I couldn’t do it anymore. You have to get your GCSES my dad and teachers would say otherwise you have no future. My mum knew Emma worked in a special education school and went to see her for advice. Then……. She explained the process the law how my EHCP would be vital in getting me the right help in the right school . She came and met me at home . She got it !!!!!! Like noone else had . How did she know ????? She helped mum apply for a special setting and knew the right way to approach it. She came to a school visit with me we talked to the head teacher. I thought it would be for kids that weren’t ever gonna get GCSEs. No !! It was a very small kind welcoming school for kids like me ! . Emma helped mum do paperwork and came to the deciding meeting with the council. I got the place.! My mum said this was unbelievable and i know go to Millhouse school in meriden. Emma helped me get here and spoke to the school about my needs . Every child like me needs an Emma. Thankyou Emma i have my future back .